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Mother's Day for Peace
Get ready to celebrate Mother’s Day like never before at the Peace Education Center’s Annual Fundraiser: Mother’s Day For Peace! Join us on May 10th from 7 pm – 9 pm at the Allen Market Place in Lansing for an evening filled with music, fun, and a powerful message of peace. We’re thrilled to announce special guest Julia Ward Howe, along with live music by Lansing’s very own indie folk darlings, The Dangling Participles!


There’s a suggested donation of $25, with all proceeds directly supporting the Lansing Area Peace Education Center and the Palestinian American Medical Association (PAMA). Together, we can make a difference and spread the message of peace, at a time when it’s needed most. So grab your mom, your friends, or anyone who loves great music and a good cause, and join us for an unforgettable night! We’ll see you there!
Learn about the history of Mother’s Day and Julia Ward Howe! A Day of Peace.


Suggested donation is $25.
You can get your tickets at the door or via PayPal!