Category: War
PeaceNotes Summer 2024 Issue
The summer PeaceNotes issue is out! We discuss the war in Gaza, the national student anti-war movement, gun buybacks, Ukraine, and more!
PEC STATEMENT Opposing Efforts to Punish Critics of Israel’s War Crimes in Gaza
The Peace Education Center stands against Israel’s actions in Gaza, condemns U.S. complicity, and urges protection of free speech from legislation like the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act that conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism.
An Earth Day Present to the Planet From Congress: $95 Billion for War
The future of both climate and war is largely shaped by domestic and international spending, and military spending has traditionally been greater than any genuine climate investments.
Love and Support for Gaza, Solidarity from Michigan
Greater Lansing area activist support Gaza- brave bus journey to a rally to Washington D.C.
Tell Pres. Biden: Cut the Pentagon budget!
Sign the Petition! More weapons and war aren’t the way. Tell Pres. Biden: Cut the Pentagon budget!
Gaza war puts US’s extensive weapons stockpile in Israel under scrutiny
Israel appears to be receiving munitions from stockpile, but there has been little transparency
Israeli organizations to President Biden: stop the humanitarian catastrophe
A group of human rights and civil society organizations in Israel sent a letter to the United States President Joe Biden, asking that he take action to prevent further loss of life in the Gaza Strip
These numbers show the staggering toll of the Israel-Hamas war
The latest Israel-Hamas war has quickly become the deadliest and most destructive of the five wars fought between the sides
Myth: Palestinians sabotaged the “peace process”
Setting aside the assertion that Israel was forced to violate the Geneva Conventions because the Palestinian Authority didn’t sign a treaty, what is often left out of the story is what exactly these “offers” entailed.